Esperance Beach

Esperance Beach
This is a beach at Esperance, WA (Western Australia) and is just an every day view of something simply beautiful. We won't get there for several months as we make our way clockwise around Australia on our two Suzuki DL-650 V-Strom "motorbikes." We will leave around 1 July 2010.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

First chance to be at a computer, and at the Karratha Library.
We left 5 July, 13C, bright and sunny, and eventually got on the Brand Highway at Muchea, heading North. Had a lovely ride. although we never really warmed up too much. Rains have been few in WA (Western Australia), but still enough for the the countryside to be more green than brown. Near Geraldton the winter wheat crops are sprouting, and there were an abundance of cattle, sheep and a few goat spreads. Beautiful country.
Beyond Carnarvon on the 6th there were literally hundreds of dead kangaroos alongside the road. Interesting. Feasting on them were crows, and big wedge-tailed eagles. Huge! Slow to rise! Duck! Next time I must remember to pass them on their back side.
Soon into the WA dry country, as the pictures show. It is a combination of West Texas, eastern Oregon, northern Nevada, and southern Arizona without the cacti. And goes on and on, for days. And immensely beautiful. I love deserts, and was near pure joy most of the day. I can understand why Jesus went into the desert to pray, and the first monks went into the desert to meditate. Life is quite simplified -the only priorities are shelter, water, food (and in our case fuel, and dodging road trains) and they are so pressing that life's other distractions disappear.
Further north ocassional large, smooth rocks poke up, then a few low plateaus in the distance, and then nearer long, low, rounded hills slither into view. Gorgeous! We are both anything but bored!
Yesterday, the 7th, we arrived in the Pilbara mining area. Iron is king, followed by natural gas as queen. She is brought in from off-shore, liquified in a massive facility, and shipped out in 400 yard long ships. China, Japan, and India are buying.
Australia is booming. 5% unemployment. It is school winter holiday time for 2 weeks, and everyone we meet on the road is friendly and happy. Can't blame them. But they still think I talk funny.
We took a rest day today, and it rained, so fortune still smiles on us, as it has for 25 years.


  1. Hey Blane, It's been fun following your spots and it sounds like all goes well. Different looking country. Show us a kangaroo! The bikes look real heavy. Do they carry all that gear/weight well? Hope all continues to go as planned. Be safe! Rudy

  2. Let me tell you blano, wish I could be there with you guys! Sounds like an outstanding ride. Waiting for the next update.


  3. Nice ride, another one who wishes he could be there! Say HI to Sue for me.

